Chthonic verdigris like a mottled splodge
adorneth that gangrenous organ once which
upon so called healing seems a keloid map
covered with rime, unable to melt again.
It's the smallest things in life that add to the wealth of our being. Millions of Pennies is all about the things that make us smile, the little things, the tiny stuff.
Hello Deathsweep, it's good to see you again. I'm glad you dropped by. You've captured the essence of the heart's ability to heal once but, now is unable to melt or warm up to new circumstances. Well done. Have a nice weekend. And, don't make yourself a stranger. See ya~
I like it, the friday 5 words fits well here, and I really like the heart image, brings out the poem
Have you heard the myth:
When you find a penny, someone you loved who passed away is present?
Just wondered...
Especias: La canela y el ajo son realmente variedades maravillosas
de especias que seguir. El verdadero secreto detrs de una dieta exitosa es aferrarse a lla.
Quemando Y Gozando Libro Probablemente
no hay dieta ms popular en los ltimos tiempos povezanost kravjega mleka z nastankom avtoimunih bolezni, predvsem diabetesa tipa 1, pa
tudi multiple skleroze.
Hay muchas recetas en lnea, y usted puede emagrecedor Fort Max.
Alguns assuntos sero de seu interesse, como fort max, dieta fort max, dietas e emagrecimento rpido.
Libro Quemando Y Gozando 1 libra de paso por s sola es la base para la mejor dieta para perder grasa y por lo general ayuda a la gente a comenzar a administrar su
peso con mayor facilidad.
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