This haiku was inspired by the Monday Mural below; pretty cool pic isn't it?

Who'd a thought mother
nature was just some strung out
bitch in red spandex?
It's the smallest things in life that add to the wealth of our being. Millions of Pennies is all about the things that make us smile, the little things, the tiny stuff.
clever!!!! i am bummed,, flickr wont let me copy the enlarged image,, and i never use photos that small... i am in a quandary now as to what i should do with this...... i am so easily thrown a curve... no?????
Well, this is way good for what came to mind and it gave me a laugh too. Thanks for sharing. Have a nice night.
it make me laugh, thanks!
That was incredibly hilarious.
oh man...i cracked up!!!.....
ROTFL!! :-) Thanks for that one, I loved it!
That's funny! A real departure from what I'vew read on your site. :)
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